The project above was part of a five piece series of Rayographs. The concept I ran with went with was a surreal mountainscape. I constructed these images using cut paper, then placing the the cut parts on light sensitive paper and exposing said paper. The first image is the negative and the second image is the print from that negative.
In the project above we were tasked with capturing something we interact with in our daily lives through the lens of a word randomly assigned by the teacher. The word I was given was transcendent and I chose the subject matter of my computer screen given my profession as a graphic designer.
The two images above are from our final project. We were told to do two self-portraits, one being literal and the other being symbolic.  I am an Eagle Scout and enjoy the outdoors so capturing that was the idea behind the first image. The second image is an effigy consisting of various items that are important to me.
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